
My latest binge watching has been season 2 of The Crown and Mad Men. I know, I know – I’m a little late to the Don Draper party but I was previously tied up with Sons of Anarchy and House of Cards and a girl only has so much time.

Both of these shows have really gotten me thinking about being a female – both in the working world and out. It’s likely top of mind because of the #metoo movement and our current sad state of sexual harassment affairs, but as I watched, I became very grateful for all the woman who paved the way out of this highway of hellish disregard for women.

My heart broke for the wife and mother on The Crown, who had to find “proof” of her philandering husbands infidelity in order to get a divorce (pre-cell phone and Facebook days – not easy!) and I was equally disgusted by the Mad Men of Manhattan who just degraded one woman after another (In all fairness, I am only on Season 1 of Mad Men, so we’ll see what happens there). The complexities of the relationship of Queen Elizabeth and her subject husband, Prince Philip are fascinating. 

This is the point in my post where I should talk to you about EPLI (employment practices liability insurance) to cover your business from the growing risk of workplace misconduct (and trust me, you should have this if you don’t).  But I’m not going to do that, because what you really should be thinking about is the education of your staff and your own tolerance for a climate that perpetuates a culture of gender inequality.

If you’re not training against Sexual Harassment in the workplace, if you’re not taking a zero-tolerance stance on discrimination, if you’re not paying attention the equal pay laws in Massachusetts – then your business is at risk and your personal and professional reputation on the line. Didn’t you think Matt Lauer was untouchable  – but guess not huh?

We have a program called ThinkHR which has a host of training courses on everything HR and workplace safety related.  RogersGray and our clients use this program to easily train and track progress on all the important items team members need to know. If you have access to a training program like this – take full advantage of it. If not, ask around to see who offers a program like that or in-person training as well.

While there are some things about The 1950’s I do seem to love  – The chic hats, the way people danced, the martini lunches – I am happy for the changes that have allowed women, to rise up the corporate ladder, open their own business, the choice to stay at home with their children and most of all, grateful that no one smokes like they did in the 50’s…because that is just plain gross.