Seton Highlands Condominium Association
RogersGray is the preferred home and auto insurance partner to Seton Highlands Condominium Associataion unit owners.
The Seton Highlands Condominium Association has partnered with RogersGray to bring you competitive quotes on your personal insurance through the Condominium Accounts Group.
The Condominium Accounts Group is an exclusive program, designed to accommodate the needs of condo communities and homeowners’ associations. RogersGray holds the master insurance policy, therefore we are in the best position to ensure condo unit owner’s coverage is complete. Don’t miss out on this great benefit.
RogersGray also provides the following benefits:
- Competitive Quotes – We shop a variety of carriers to find you the best rate
- Year-Round Enrollment – Apply year-round, no need to wait for a specific date
- Free No Obligation Quotes
To get your FREE no obligation quote today, simply fill out the form below. To get the most accurate quote, please attach a copy of your current policy.
Contact the Condominium Accounts Group Team Today! Fill out the quote request form or call 781.754.6268.
Here is a coverage selection or “Dec Page” example. Uploading your current Dec Page will allow us to get you the coverage you need at the best rate.

Request A Quote - Condominium Accounts Group
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