A little ridiculous I know. We drive together all the time in the same car and we are far more likely to be killed in an auto accident than a plane crash. But it was just one of those moments/times that hit me and my biggest concern was for our youngest son, who has dyslexia.
Would my brother and sister-in-law be the advocates he needs to help guide him through school? Would they make sure his IEP and specialized education plan was being followed out? Would his self-esteem and love of school remain intact?
Heavy stuff. I was balling.
You know what I didn’t worry about?
Money. You know why?
Life Insurance.
If something does happen to my husband and I, the kids will be taken care of. As we often joke about, we’re probably worth more dead than alive…lol…but at least we know that our oldest will be kept in all the sports gear he needs, our youngest can go wherever he needs to for specialized schooling, they’ll be set for college and most importantly, our family will all be there to love them.
We have a couple of types of insurance – both Whole and Term. One we use for protection and investing, the other straight coverage if something does happen. Does it hurt paying that money out every month for something that frankly, I hope I don’t ever use? You bet. But the benefit far outweighs the cost.
My term life policy is about $350 per year…I think I pay $29 bucks a month. No one is getting rich off that policy alone of course, but my red-eyed, sniffling self walked into the house that day and gave her kids a giant hug and told them how much I loved them.
Then I left them with Grandma and headed west for some sunshine in Palm Springs!